Best part of the Covid “forced” private time?? Rediscovering my love for Animation.
I used to be into animation LONG AGO, where Macromedia Director and Adobe CS3 Flash got me started. I thought I would have a career creating DVD menus, while I was still going to school. LOL.
My biggest projects at the time, was creating Pigpen (Peanuts) dancing to “Rhiannon” (gah…I wish i still had that to laugh at!) AND doing Brandi and the twins as paper dolls, that you could dress up digitally.
Life took my attention to web design, photography, but now here we are again. Throughout 2021, I’ve taken an online course with UDemy to learn Tahoma2D/Opentoonz (free open sourced software), following tutorials, watching live streams of animators working, working on drawing skills (quite rusty), I can go on………. Tahoma2D is getting the bulk of my attention, Krita 5 is way simpler, but still has some pretty cool features (also free), and finally I’m learning Calipeg on my ipad (very affordable, with amazing support).
And that’s how my brain works, trying to learn everything all at the same time! Slow progress, but I get closer to finished projects every day. I learn as I go, and I plan to share whatever I did here.
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