Tonight Brandi played at the Moore theatre…… and didn’t take security long to bust me with my camera….. Boo. If Brandi getting large, means less camera usage, then i don’t like it! (no offense brandi).
Otherwise the show was excellent, and had a few surprises. One of them being when the band stepped away from the mics and sang a song acoustic. Wow…. This girl has got some vocals! (not that thats news to me!).
Another funny moment was during “creep”, when the cello player from the opening act (Cary Brothers) came on stage and danced around with her blue light saber. Then proceeded to duel with the Tim, slice up phil, and stab josh before exiting the stage. Hilarious……
And yes the audience blurted out happy birthday every chance we got….. even getting the happy birthday song in unison once….. It was pretty cool. I got that part on video, but you cant make out the audience.
to those of you that get to see her in portland tomorrow, I’M jEALOUS! And if she plays “fortunate son” or “pride and joy”, i will hate you even more 🙂 I’ll be there sunday with my best friend in tow. Whoo! He hasn’t seen brandi for a few years, and its about due time………
(hmmm…no clue why these pictures are looking so small. Click if you want to see them.)
Girl, these pictures rock the BEST out of all the rockin’ photos you’ve taken so far- the 2nd one in particular is FANFREAKINTASTIC (& you know how I love me some Brandi pics)! When/where can we see the rest of these beauts???
You can catch my review at I did not take the picture.