I’ve only slept 3 hours, but no way in heck was i missing today’s storm event. Today was a open practice for Season Ticket Holders. Watching the practice was a lot funner than i thought it would. They played a “game” against a group of guys, that got some cheers from the crowd. (they stopped the game in overtime, but we would’ve won). Then there was a short Q&A chat session, and THEN we got to “meet the team”. Pretty cool affair…..
I didn’t utter a peep to the players though. Instead I relished in the fact that i could finally take the players pictures while they were standing still 🙂
i took a buttload of pictures….. I was mostly just seeing how well the zoom on my camera worked, and at what point would “noise” become an issue. My camera definitely likes to add alot of noise to my shots, so thankfully i don’t do any printing.
This picture of LJ was taken from across the arena. The details of her face are washed out…. but i’m still impressed.
today is LJ’s birthday, and i took alot of pics with the small cupcake for her. None of the players wanted to eat it. They had looks on thier faces of both temptation, and horror as they passed it around…..lol i didnt get everyones reaction, but might end up posting the ones that i did.
Yeah!! Sue Bird, UConn alumni from my state! And, ummm… that’s about all I know about baseball. I mean basketball.
Can’t wait to see the other pics!