One thing I can’t make clear enough is my gratitude for your help. Being able to experience Brandi @ Red Rocks was amazing! This was a 6 day adventure. Spokane one day, Boulder/Denver for the other 5…. and I don’t think a smile has ever left my face. 🙂
Spokane was a PARTY. This was my first time hearing the new songs live, and getting to hear them in a club setting was really fun. They even did the 2 rock songs off the album! (Mainstream Kid, and Blood Muscle Skin and Bone). I definitely got my dancing time in!
I did wait after the show and thank Brandi for helping me be able to do this. She remembered who I was, and I even got a couple of hugs 🙂 I don’t know if I said everything that I wanted to say, but I said enough.
(Seriously, what do you say to someone that has had such an impact on your life for the last 10 years?? I was doing my best just to breathe! And soon as I walked away, the “happy ugly cry” came out. Glad she didn’t see that! lol).
Red Rocks
I apologize to the few of you that may have looked for me at Red Rocks. Thanks to a shuttle mix up, we were late 🙁 We were able to sit in the ADA section though, and I had no idea that the show was ASL interpreted!!!! Not only that, but there was a large group of deaf women that were sitting by us 😀
Normally I don’t understand ASL interpreters (too fast, too complex), but the women signing tonight were PERFECT for me. I was able to understand the meaning of songs that I have never heard the lyrics to. I was able to laugh at the jokes where I usually miss the punchline. I was able to cry with the few sad songs (that I never knew were so sad!). I experienced her music in a new way.
I had expected tonight to be a bit “sad” (it’s my last show to potentially hear, wah!), but that didn’t happen at all. I learned that it isn’t over for me. So what if I can’t hear… I can still feel. My heart will do the hearing for me. When your life changes, you roll with it.
No matter what, I’m always going to have a place in this crowd!
And the deaf girls next to me?? They were dancing and having the time of their lives as well 🙂
Thank You
Thank you for letting me have a week without worry. For remembering how to be grateful and appreciative of the things that I have.
Thank You Janet for helping me on this trip with getting around, showing me your old stomping grounds, and helping me converse with other people.
Thank You Kellie for helping me with the GoFundMe stuff (and more!)
Thank You Brandi for all the years and opening me up to new opportunities.
What’s next?
My next MRI is at the end of Sept, and then the whole “I want surgery” talk will start again. And oh hey look…. Brandi is going to be in Oakland just a few days prior 🙂
Thanks to all of you, trip #2 is in the works! I’m not saving a PENNY of the raised money, it’s ALL being used for my Hearing Bucket List!
For those of you that don’t know about the GFM campaign